November 2, 2023


While working in Semplice, it can sometimes be hard to know which text I used.

I often find myself using different text for different use cases. Some text does not look good in certain formats, so I find that I mix and match, while using a consistent balance. However, sometimes I forget which text I've used in a section which sometimes leaves me guessing.

To me, it seems like there is no immediate action that tells me which font I am using in the current section. My most common question I ask myself is, "did I use regular or medium weight?" or something similar. When I would highlight the font, there was no way to quickly indicate the font used in the section, so I am often left guessing. Here is how I would fix that.

November 2, 2023


When using Mercari on a laptop, it is difficult to locate recent sales as well as locate the shipping status.

I use Mercari for personal and work needs. I love using the app on my phone, however, I noticed when trying to look up recent sales information for my company (on my laptop), the seller dashboard does not allow me to see recent sales information. To find the order information, I have to go to the message of the person who ordered the product, click check order status, then view tracking. Here is how I would change that.

April 23, 2023


What you ever wondered why your most recent songs go to the bottom of the playlist?

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